Grievance Management

We at Paramount believe in providing excellent customer service & it is the best answer in this competitive age.

A communication that expresses dissatisfaction about an action or lack of action, about the standard of service / deficiency of service or seeks remedial action is objectionable for us. In such scenario, you may please write to us on ""

For speedy identification, please quote your PHS ID / Policy number / CCN No while writing to us. We will thoroughly check your correspondence for appropriate action & response.

Paramount assures you of our best services at all times.

For Your Information

In case of any grievance related to policy, you may submit in writing to the policy issuing office or Regional Office of the Insurance Company for redressal. If the Grievance remains unaddressed, you may refer the website of your Insurance company.

If you are still not satisfied with the reply of the Insurance Company, you may approach the Insurance Ombudsman, established by the Central Government for redressal of your grievance. Detailed processes along with list of Ombudsman offices are available at